Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
There is no class for authoring subject for this week like I said in my previous entry. Jadinya minggu ni kami kena submit summary untuk articles yang kami sudah baca. So, here is my understanding on my what I have read on the 3 articles.
1) What is Authoring System?
Authoring system is an application or program that allow you to create an educational material in a short period of time without having to know complex programming.
2) Multimedia Courseware vs Web Page Development?
Multimedia Courseware is an educational material in interactive way to help with students learning. The usage of multimedia in learning process will speed up or increase students understanding in a particular subjects compare to the traditional method of learning which is learning through the books. While Web page is a page that can be access through the internet. Web page usually can be found in a website developed by web developer. Web page is another alternative for students learning aside from classes, books and multimedia courseware. There are a lot of information on the internet to help with students learning. Multimedia Courseware can also be place on the web page so that students can access it anytime and anywhere.
3) Authoring vs Programming Concepts?
From the 3 articles, I can conclude that the concept of authoring is that it required minimum knowledge about programming and algorithm design to create a simple application or program in no time. While programming concepts requires you to know programming languages, software requirements specifications and many other things in order to developed an application.
4) How to select appropriate multimedia and web authoring software?
There are several aspects that we need to consider before choosing appropriate multimedia and web authoring software. Here I list some of the aspects :
i) Platform : There are many types of operating system that exists nowadays, for examples Windows, Linux, Mac-OS and others. Choose a software that can be use in your current OS platform.
ii) Media Format : Choose software that can support multiple formats so it's easier for you to use it after you're done creating the application because sometimes different medium requires you to use different format to execute your application.
iii)Extensibility : This feature usually didn't concern the people who just started to use authoring tools, but when you already know how to use the software, and you already have some programming knowledge, sometimes you will have some idea that the software features didn't allow you to make that happen. So this extensibility feature in a software will provide you with source code that you can manipulate it to your desire.
Summary untuk articles ni kami postkan ke dalam group facebook class ni jadi kami akan berbincang dengan lebih lanjut di dalam group tersebut untuk mengupas lagi mendalam mengenai authoring, courseware, authoring tools dan banyak lagi.
Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t...
Hi everyone.. (bajet ramai la pulak orang nak baca blog aku kan.. haha..) This is my VERY FIRST entry in my VERY FIRST blog. Sebelum ni aku tak pernah ada blog, sebab aku bukan jenis yang suka tulis-tulis cerita hidup aku. Senang cerita aku tak reti nak luahkan perasaan dalam bentuk tulisan. But, starting this year, I will try to express my daily feelings into words. haha..
The main reason I start writing blogs because of Authoring class. Our lecturer, Prof Zaidatun will give a few percent from our overall course marks for expressing our feelings and what we have learned in the class.. This is a good idea actually. Sebabnya, kadang-kadang kalau kita baru belajar sesuatu benda tu, kita akan cepat lupa. Yelah, otak manusia ni secara puratanya hanya mampu ingat certain things dalam masa 3 hari sahaja (I read this facts somewhere a long time ago but I forgot where). Jadi, by expressing or reflecting what we have learn is the best way to know how far we understand that things. We can always refer back to our old posts if we forgot about something.
On the 1st week of authoring class we had ice-breaking session and a short briefing on the course outline. Kemudian, kami diberitahu bahawa Prof Zaidatun akan pergi mengerjakan umrah selama 2 minggu. Maksudnya, there's no class for two weeks and the next class will be on 7th March. That happy feeling when your lecturer told you there is no class for two weeks. YEAY! Tapi perasan itu hanyalah untuk beberapa saat. haha.. Baru nak happy..
Sepanjang 2 minggu class postponed, kami diberi tugasan.. The first task is to read on 3 articles (provided by Prof Zaidatun) and write a summary on the articles. Selain daripada itu, kami juga kena study a bit about flash supaya masa kat dalam class nanti kami dah ada sedikit pengetahuan mengenai flash. Jadi xda la nanti terpinga-pinga xtau apa itu flash, xreti guna flash. Bila dah dapat assignment macam ni tetiba rasa semangat pulak nak study. Dah rehat lama sangat lepas habis degree. So sekarang ni masa untuk struggle for a better future. haha.... k bye.. ^_^
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